Saturday, October 15, 2016

Kings Island

We were staying in Kentucky on Olivia's actual birthday, so we decided to make a short drive to southern Ohio (state #20) to visit Kings Island.  Brian and I had visited this amusement park prior to having kids, but we were amazed by how much it has changed.  The park was sold a few years back, and the new owners have added many new, quality coasters.  
The first order of business after entering the park was to get the kids measured.  Once they get their "official" measurement they receive an armband stating how tall they are.  Doing this allows them to avoid having to be constantly measured at each individual attraction.  They both measured above 54 inches, which is the magic number for coaster-loving kids.  At 54" you can ride any coaster.  I knew Olivia would hit the mark, but I wasn't sure if Owen would.  He just did meet the height requirement, and he was so happy.

 We spent the whole day at the park and rode every notable thrill ride- including The Beast- currently the #6 wooden coaster in the world and Diamondback-  currently the #9 steel coaster in the world and the kids first hypercoaster (a coaster w/ a drop over 200 feet).  We even got Nana on a coaster!  In case you don't know, theme parks are our thing.  Brian and I loved them before we had kids, and now that our kids are tall enough, it is wonderful to share our love of roller coasters with them.

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