Friday, November 18, 2016

St Augustine Field Trip

Olivia's WINGS class recently took a field trip to St. Augustine.  It was an all-day affair that included a trolley tour of the city, a visit to Ripley's Believe It or Not, and a trip to the Fountain of Youth.  Olivia reported that she had a great time.  She liked the Ripley's a lot and even took a picture of the metal "Chucky"- the same statue that almost caused her to have a breakdown when I took her last year.  She also liked visiting the Fountain of Youth and thought it was cool that her class got to see a canon firing.  While the canon was cool, the water from the "fountain" was not.  Olivia said that it was gross and made her feel ill.  Olivia was chaperoned by the lovely Granny Mel who also had a great time.

This is the Fountain of Youth (yep, that's it)

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