Friday, March 31, 2017

Harlem Globetrotters

 So, there's a story here.  Olivia's birthday usually falls on one of the days when we're out of school for Fall Break, and we have done something "special" on those days a couple of times.  Owen's birthday on the other hand usually falls on a school day, making it unlikely that we would be able to do any type of special activity.  This disparity has not gone unnoticed by Owen.  Even though we still do something "special" a few weeks after his birthday (when we're on Spring Break), it's not on his actual birthday and so it's just not the same in his eyes.  I know that this bothers him because he's mentioned it several times.  This year, however, I saw that the Harlem Globetrotters were going to be in Jacksonville on Owen's actual birthday.  So even though it was a Tuesday, we decided to get tickets.  It was a good show- even Brian and I thought that it was funny.  The kids laughed, cheered, and talked me into buying them a souvenir basketball.  Owen was so happy that we had done something special for his birthday, that it made the extra effort worth it.  Of course we have explained that we won't be able to do something like this every year, and he understands.  He's just glad that we were able to do something out of the ordinary on his actual birthday once.

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