Monday, April 24, 2017


We had the best Easter this year.  It was just wonderful in so many ways.  To start off with, Brian's brother Brandon was driving through town on his way back to Baltimore so he was able to celebrate Easter with us.  The kids just love their uncle Brandon, so they were so excited to see him.  

Earlier in the morning the kids had woken up to find gifts left by the Easter bunny.  They ate a few pieces of their candy and found the eggs that the bunny had hidden before getting dressed for Sunday School.  The church service was very good and well-attended.  It was nice to see so many people coming together to celebrate.  
After church we went to have lunch at Granny and Papa's, and while everyone wasn't there we still had a large crowd.  We ate a delicious meal and then celebrated the March / April birthdays.  We weren't able to hide eggs last year due to the weather, but it was nice and sunny this year so the egg hunt was able to take place.  It was such good weather that even Papa got in his scooter and rode around during the egg hunt.  I was definitely tired by the end of the day, but it was a good kind of tired.  It was just a great day all-around.

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