Thursday, December 20, 2018

'Tis the Season

The last few weeks have been packed with various Christmas activities.  One thing new to us this year is our Christmas tree.  Granny Buie got a new tree, and so we are now using her old one.  Funny enough, our previous tree was also a Granny Buie hand-me-down.  The kids loved adding their new ornaments from Disney, Space Camp, and Texas.

December has also marked the return of our elf, Pickles.  He is way more mischievous this year than he has ever been before.  Funny how that coincides with the fact that Brian is now home with us during the Christmas season and has taken on some new duties.
The kids have also enjoyed attending various Christmas parties at school, church, and with friends.  I think their favorite was the gingerbread house party.  They love spending time with their buddies.

This is Owen's last year to participate in the children's Christmas program at church.  This year's program was about using you unique talents for God's glory.  Owen is good with technology, so he created a scavenger hunt for the class, filmed it, and presented the edited video at the performance. 

Following the church performance, we drove to another local church to see their live nativity.  I thought that it would be something we just drove up and looked at, but it was like a 30 minute play.  They had bleachers and everything.  It was so impressive and well done, and it reminded us all of the true reason for the season.

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