Saturday, February 2, 2019

Busy January

 We have had the busiest January in recent memory.  In addition to all of the robotics practices and tournaments, we have also had other academic competitions to prepare for and participate in.  Both kids presented projects at the region tech fair, and Olivia won second place in 3-D modeling. Owen's device modification project did not place, but he was excited to have made it to the regional competition this year. 
 Owen spent all month working on his science fair project.  He tested how much electricity a small solar cell could produce when it was held under the light of bulbs with different wattages. His project received a first place ribbon. 

While I'm happy that the kids participated in these events, I must admit that I'm glad they are over.  It has been go-go-go all month, and I'm looking forward to slowing down a bit.

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