Saturday, June 16, 2007

Olivia's Baptism

We had Olivia baptised in the first part of February. She did very well- even when the preacher put water on her head. After church, we went to Mama's house and had a cookout. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of the baptism because Brian and I were also participating in the ceremony. However, here is a picture of Olivia with her Granny Mel and Papa Charlie in her beautiful baptism dress.

Christmas 2006

Santa Claus came to town, and he made a stop at the Sanders' home this year. I guess that Olivia was a good girl because she got quite a bit. The present that I was most excited about was the wooden, cedar-lined toy box that had her name engraved on it. She, however, was more excited about the toys.
Olivia was not the only one to get a visit from old St. Nick. Brian got a TiVo system and I got the vacuum cleaner that I had been wanting. Even Remy got a surprise in his stocking- a new stuffed frog.

The best part about Christmas, though, is being with family. We were able to visit with my family and with Brian's mom this year. We were even surprised by a visit from Brian's brother, Gary, and Gary's girlfriend, Katie. They were both very impressed with Olivia. Gary seemed a little hesitant to hold Olivia at first, but he warmed up to her- and then she spit up all over him. Oh well, that must be her way of telling you that she likes you.

Olivia's First Halloween

I knew that since Olivia was due in late September, the first major holiday that she would get to experience would be Halloween. Before she was born I ordered her a very cute elephant costume off the Internet. I imagined all of the cute pictures that I would take of her in her costume.
Yeah, right. I have posted the only picture of her in her costume where she is not screaming her head off. All of the other pictures look like the the Jack-O-Lantern picture that I've posted below.
We still had a good Halloween despite the fact that Olivia hated her costume and only kept it on for twenty minutes. We passed out candy at our house and then went trick-or-treating at Granny Buie's. Olivia received a hat and a few stuffed toys instead of candy. This bummed me out a bit because I was looking forward to eating her candy for her.

Brian and Remy also joined in the fun by dressing up. Brian dressed as Julius Ceasar while Remy wore the tiger costume that I bought him last year. Remy spent most of the night trying to make like Houdini. Let's just say that Olivia was not the only one who hated her costume.

Remy and Olivia

Before bringing Olivia home, Brian and I were concerned about how Remy, our 4-year Maltese, would handle having Olivia in our family. If you've ever been to our house then you know that Remy does not do well around unfamiliar people (he barks his head off). Before her arrival, Remy had been our "baby" and the king of the house. We did not know how he would handle having someone new steal his thunder.

As it turned out, we were worried for no reason. Not only did Remy immediatly accept Oliva, he seemed very curious about her. He even let her touch him- which is not something that he lets just anyone do.

Olivia is also very curious about Remy. When she was really small, she liked to sit in her bouncy chair and watch him. Now that she is a little older, she likes to crawl around and chase him or play "peek-a-boo" with him.

Remy has a habit of wanting to be wherever Olivia is. It is not unusual to find Remy laying beside Olivia's crib or pack-n-play when she is asleep. These two really do keep each other entertained.

Introducing...Olivia Dawn Sanders

After much anticipation, Olivia Dawn Sanders arrived on October 9th, 2006 at 5:43 pm. She weighed 7lbs. 1oz. and was 20.5 inches long. She had many visitors at the hospital. Everyone was so excited to finally see her. She has blue eyes and blonde hair. I think she looks like her daddy, but I can also see a bit of Walker in her. Everyone thinks that she will do- especially her grandparents. Of course, life has not been the same since Olivia's arrival. I never realized how much free time I used to have until Olivia came. I wouldn't trade her for anything, though.

The Sanders Family Blog

Well- I have finally found the opportunity to sit down and begin this blog. This is something that I have been wanting to do for a while, but finding the time has been tricky. I am hoping that this blog will serve as a means for keeping up with family and friends across the country and around the world. The most exciting thing that has happened to Brian and I lately has been the birth of our daughter, Olivia. She is eight months old now, but the first few posts in this blog will be from when she was younger. I hope that y'all enjoy the Sanders Family Blog!