The first thing that we did upon entering the park was to ride the lone roller coaster. Both kids met the height requirement, so there was no drama about one having to sit out while the other rode.
We were excited to get to meet various characters from Sesame Street. I think I might have been the most excited of all. When we were growing up, we didn't have cable- only PBS. The only "kids" show that we really got was Sesame Street, so these characters made up a large part of my entertainment.
The vast maze of cargo nets was one of the favorite attractions. I tried to follow the kids on the nets at first- but that got ugly real fast. It got even uglier when they went through the cargo-net tunnel. I gave up after that and resigned to stay on the ground and just keep an eye on them from below.
Despite the chilly weather, the kids did enjoy several of the water attractions. The family-sized raft waterslide was a favorite.
And here are the kids on Sesame Street. The last thing that we did before leaving was to watch the parade. We were able to see all of the characters this way. At one point, the parade stopped in front of us and some kids were recruited to come out and join the parade. The kids were given hula hoops. Owen doesn't hula hoop well, so he decided not to participate. Olivia, on the other hand, was glad to show off her skills (see video). Overall, we had a great day at Sesame Place. This is a nice place for young children.