Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chestatee Wildlife Preserve

 The original plan was to go to Brasstown Bald, Georgia's highest point following our horseback ride.  The problem was that the trails and visitor's center at Brasstown Bald is operated by the federal government, and we could not visit due to the shutdown.  So, we had to move to Plan B (again). Since it was Olivia's birthday we let her choose between the three back-up activities that I had.  She choose to visit the Chestatee Zoo.  We have been to a lot of zoos, but never one like this.  I'm not even sure that it really was a zoo at all.  It looked like a family had decided to start a zoo and had built pens in their backyard.  This isn't to say that we didn't like it.  It was not expensive and there were enough animals to keep the kids' interest.  I just thought that it was funny that we were essentially in someone's backyard.  Literally- we could see the owner's house from almost any point in the zoo, and their kids got off the school bus at the front gates of the zoo/house while we were there.  This zoo didn't have a many animals, but they did have lions, tigers, and bears (oh my).  I think our favorite was the wolf.  We've never gotten a great look at wolves before because they are always sleeping when we go to the zoo.  The wolf at this zoo, however, was awake and very active.  Overall, this was a pretty fun way to wind up our North Georgia vacation.  You can't really go wrong when you pick an animal-oriented activity to the keep kids entertained.

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