Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall Back into Running

The weather has cooled off significantly, and so we have been hitting the road.  A few weekends ago, a few of us girls drove to the Clover Run 5k in Jesup.  They have changed up the course a bit and we ended up running the perimeter of two parking lots- not loving that.  Nevertheless, we all did well and scored a lot of bling.  I placed first in my age group with a time of 25.04.  That's not too bad for this time of the year.

The following weekend Quincy and I completed our first half marathon of the fall- The Jacksonville Marine Corps Half.  This is one of my favorite courses, even though it has been really hot and humid for the past two years.  There is always a great military presence at this event, and the swag is usually top-notch.  Q and I both improved our time over last year (2.06.53 for me). I love running with my sissy!

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