Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hiking Amicalola

We spent one afternoon hiking to Amicalola Falls, the highest waterfall in the southeast.  The hike was two miles and was rated moderate to strenuous.  The strenuous part would be the 604 stairs that we had to climb to get from the base of the falls to the top.  We took frequent breaks.  The trail that we took was also a part of the approach to the Appalachian Trail.  The Appalachian Trail begins on Springer Mountain at Amicalola State Park and goes all the way to Maine.  This was the first somewhat challenging hike that the kids have done, and they really did a good job.  There was no whining.

Here are the kids- maps in hand- at the beginning of our trek.

We followed this stream up until we reached the falls.  It was a very scenic hike.

We hiked back along the East Ridge Trail and were rewarded with beautiful mountain views.  Olivia and Owen kept picking up rocks and asking Brian if they had gold in them.  I guess they were hoping to strike it rich.

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