Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to Mama and Daddy's to eat and open presents. This year it was very exciting because Ava and Olivia were old enough to help open presents and old enough to get excited about their gifts. All of the babies were very good despite the fact that they were up way past their bedtimes. Even Claire- who is usually sleeping when I'm around- was alert for most of the evening.

Ava and Olivia took it upon themselves to help everyone unwrap their presents. (Here Uncle Kelly is getting assistance from the girls.) When it came to opening their own presents, though, they were not as willing to help out. Once the toys started coming out, the girls quickly lost interest in unwrapping and became preoccupied with playing. The only thing that could really distract them was the introduction of another toy. It was also funny how both girls wanted the same toy at the same time- even though there were plenty of different toys available.

At the end of the evening, Ava and Olivia both received tricycles. Ava got a big-girl tricycle, while Olivia's was one that "grows" with her. The girls had a lot of fun pushing each other around on their new toys. After all the gifts were opened, we took Olivia home for some much-needed rest.

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