Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine Surprises

The past few days have been great. In addition to being Valentine's Day weekend, this weekend was also my school system's Winter Break (4 days off!). I used most of my time off to clean and get caught up around the house. But, there were a few surprises sprinkled in to make the weekend super-special. On Saturday morning I awoke to the sound of Olivia saying (rather loudly) "Mommy get up, I have a surprise for you". I went into the dining room to find a dozen roses and a delicious breakfast of bacon and heart-shaped, chocolate-chip pancakes. I knew that I was getting flowers because Olivia had let the cat out of the bag the day before, but the breakfast was a total surprise. Later that evening, Brian grilled steaks for our Valentine dinner.
Owen and Olivia also had a wonderful Valentine's Day. To begin with, they got cards in the mail from their Granny and from their Gigi. Olivia loves it when she gets letters in the mail! Brian and I gave them both a new pair of tennis shoes on Saturday morning, and Gigi and Papa gave them a small bag of goodies on Saturday night. In Olivia's bag of goodies were a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses and a crown- which she has worn all weekend. Owen's bag contained bubbles. We soon discovered that Owen LOVES bubbles. I think that his face in this picture says it all.

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