Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ready to Cruise

We have just returned from our Spring Break Cruise on board the Disney Wonder. This was a fantastic vacation! Our 4-night adventure took us to two islands in the Bahamas. Now that I'm back, I must say that 4 nights were not enough. Disney certainly knows how to treat their guests! I guess it goes without saying that I will be publishing several posts chronicling our trip.

The vacation began last Saturday. We left the house after lunch and drove to Cape Canaveral, FL. We weren't going to board the ship until Sunday, so we stayed the night at the Radisson Resort. The kids were tired and hungry after the drive. Fortunately, we met up with Brian's mom and Charlie quickly. Note to self: going on vacation with grandparents is great- extra eyes and hands are very helpful.

After eating breakfast the next morning, we still had some time to kill before boarding the shuttle to go to the cruise ship. We passed the time by walking around the resort. Olivia enjoyed feeding the fish in the koi pond, and Owen was just glad to be outdoors. We checked out at noon and boarded the shuttle. Olivia started getting really excited at this point because she realized that she was about to go on "Mickey's Boat".

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