Here's the deal with this picture: the look on Ava's face illustrates my feelings about the month of August, while the look on Olivia's face shows how I will feel when August is over. That's right, I strongly dislike August. It, along with January and February, are my least favorite months. Why is August so bad? Well, to begin with there is absolutely nothing fun that happens in August. Let's look at the facts: 1. There are no holidays 2. The fall TV season hasn't started yet- so there is nothing good on TV. 3. Football season hasn't started yet. 4. It's too hot to do much outside and even if it cools down, the mosquitos are still bad. 5. School and college start back, so all of the stress related to work returns. Although this stress will last all year, it is especially rough in August because you are coming out of a stress-free summer.
You may have noticed that I haven't updated my blog all month. The reason for this is that we have done nothing interesting all month. Since it has been such a while, I think I'll give a quick update on what everyone has been doing. I'll start with Brian. He has been working hard at Toys R Us. They are re-setting the store, so he has been focused on that. He is also itching for football season to begin and he has already joined several fantasy football leagues. I have been working hard at school and have been spending my weekends working on my dissertation. It is not going quickly- I actually think that it is going to take me forever to write this thing.
Olivia is still as sweet as ever. She got promoted to the "nursery 2" class at Sunday School. Gigi has been filling in for the regular teacher while she recovers from a medical procedure, so Olivia has done well in the new class so far. We'll see how things go when the regular teacher returns. After church last Sunday, I took Olivia to the local children's theater to see "Alice in Wonderland". Hannah and Ava came, too (that's where the picture on this post was taken). Although the play was too long and really weird, Olivia liked it and has been talking about it all week. I think that the Queen of Hearts made the biggest impression. I don't know what it is with Olivia liking the bad guys. And, yes, she still wants an "Ursula" cake for her birthday.
Owen is so easy-going. He adjusted to daycare in no time (it took Olivia over 3 weeks). He is just growing too fast. He has started identifying animals, and we are considering moving him to his big-boy bed. I'm trying to enjoy these baby days because I know that they'll be gone before I realize it.
Remy and Reecee (who we now refer to as the "thousand dollar dog" because of all the medical expenses) are also doing well. Reecee's wound is still not healing like we would like. The vet told my daddy that she could probably live with that big ole hole in her side. It's looking like she may just have to do that. The kids love her, and she is a good dog. I hope she continues to do well because I don't want to have to put her down.
I guess that covers everything that has been happening around here. I'm happy that August is all but over, and I hope that September brings more interesting news.