Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Apollo 13

 I don't know how they did it, but somehow our neighboring county- which is just as rural and middle-of-nowhere as we are-  got Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise (Bill Paxton played him in the movie) to come and speak to members of the community.  This was a free event.  I was unable to go due to open house, but my dad went and he took the kids.  I think it's neat just to meet someone who has been in space, but meeting a crew member from that fateful mission is super-cool in my book.  Mr. Haise showed a short video, talked to the crowd about his experiences with the space program, answered questions from the audience, and signed autographs for those in attendance.  The kids don't know much about the space program, but they still found it interesting.  I'm so glad that they were able to go.

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