Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Third and Fourth Graders

Another school year is upon us.  Although we love the summer, we were all excited to start back to school.  About a week before school began, I took the kids shopping to pick out a few new clothing items.  Olivia enjoyed shopping.  She tried on a lot of clothes and ended up with several new outfits.   She chose a new white dress to wear on the first day of school.  Owen did not enjoy shopping. He tried on nothing and ended up getting only one shirt.  It was like pulling teeth to get him to pick out that one thing.  Still, we paired the new shirt with some shorts that he already had and he looked great on the first day.  

When the morning of the first day came, the kids got up and got dressed pretty quickly. Brian had taken the day off so he was able to drive them to school.  Both kids reported that they had a great first day.  They like their teachers, and they both have a lot of their friends in their classes.  This is going to be a great year!

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