Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rolling Stones

 We went to a Rolling Stones concert!  We have been looking forward to this for months. I am on the Stones mailing list and when I received notice that they were coming to Jacksonville, I couldn't believe it.  We usually have to go to Atlanta, Orlando, or Tampa to see bands this big.  Jacksonville has been upping their game lately, so maybe we'll get more bands of this caliber.  Anyway, I purchased the tickets for Brian and myself the moment that they went on sale in November.  My parents, Quincy and Chase, aunt Libba, and Jessica also purchased tickets.  Most of us had seats in the same general area, but not directly beside each other.  Originally, the concert was set to be in April, but Jagger had to have heart surgery so it was pushed back till July.  Between the time that I purchased the tickets and the time that the concert took place, both of my children began to get seriously interested in classic rock music.  So, we made a last-minute decision to buy two extra tickets so that they could see this excellent band who is, in my opinion, the greatest band on the planet.  Seriously, I love them- and they haven't lost a step.  They put on a fantastic performance and played almost all of my favorite songs.  Mick Jagger was high-energy which surprised us because he's 75 and just had heart surgery.  Didn't matter- he was dancing all over the place and he sounded great.  I'm so glad we decided to take the kids.  This is something that they will always remember. 

Here's a bonus picture from my first Rolling Stones concert in 2006. I was pregnant with Olivia (which is why you may hear her claim that she has been to "two" Stones concerts).

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