Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wedding Frenzy

 Quincy is engaged, and the wedding frenzy has begun.  She has already booked the reception venue, lined up catering, and this weekend she found her dress!  It was a hard decision because she looked good in everything, but I think she chose a winner.  She had lots of people dress shopping with her, so there was no shortage of input.  I can't wait to see her in her dress this May.

Friday, November 13, 2015


 Owen just completed his soccer season with the YMCA.  This was our first experience with soccer, and it was a good one.  Owen really liked it a lot and says that he wants to play again next year.  Following the last game, each player received a trophy for participation.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Rock and Roll (Take 4)

This is my fourth straight year running in a Savannah Rock and Roll event.  I did the half this year and I can honestly say that I have never experienced anything like what I saw out on this course.  The weather was warm and humid- unseasonably so for November.  I realized within the first mile that not only was my time going to be bad, but that if I didn't slow my pace down that I may not even finish. It was rough.  I saw numerous runners struggling- three of whom were totally down and surrounded by medical personnel. They ended up having to divert runners and cancel the full marathon because the medical staff could not keep up with all of the people who needed help due to the heat/humidity.   I was able to pull out a 2.27.58.  It's a personal worst for the half, but I seriously did the best that I could do.  I am still just so happy to be uninjured and running again that my chip time is an afterthought.  It was my friend Kim's birthday and she ran her first half (and did great).  I was happy to get to do this "bucket list" item with her.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween, Partner

 The Georgia-Florida was played on Halloween day this year, so our town moved it's trick-or-treating event to Thursday the 29th so as to avoid interfering with football (lame, I know).  Our family theme this year was "The Wild West".  As usual, we met up at Granny's house and trick-or-treated in her neighborhood.  The kids came home with a ton of candy which probably won't last as long as it should.  I always enjoy this holiday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Olivia is 9

We have recently celebrated Olivia's 9th birthday.  Brian and I are so proud of the young lady that she is becoming.  Here are a few facts about Olivia at age 9:

  • She likes to wear long skirts, and she wears them almost exclusively.
  • She goes through more pairs of black flats (shoes) than you could possibly imagine.
  • She wants to be involved in every activity under the sun
  • She is very loving to her brother and always does nice things for him.
  • Her favorite subject in school is Science.
  • Her room is a total disaster area and...
  • She is growing up way too fast.

We had a family lunch after church one Sunday to celebrate Olivia's birthday.  We still have two of the kittens that our cat surprised us with this summer, and Olivia is all about those cats.  It came as no surprise that Olivia wanted a cat cake for her birthday, and Aunt Hannah was happy to make her one.
Olivia received a lot of neat toys and clothes from our family members.  Brian picked up some science kits for us to give her, and she's been enjoying those along with her other gifts.  I don't know where the time has gone, but it needs to slow down.  Next year we'll be entering the double digits- yikes!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

One of the biggest draws for us to go to Universal is that it is the home of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (WWOHP).  We are HUGE Harry fans, so we were excited to visit.  I had heard good things, so I had high expectations.  These expectations were blown totally out of the water.  The Harry Potter lands were AMAZING.  I could not believe how much detail had been put into this world.  It really came alive for us.

The WWOHP is divided into two sections- Diagon Alley (located in Universal Studios) and Hogsmeade (located in Islands of Adventure).  The two sections are connected by the Hogwarts Express.  As guests of the Royal Pacific Resort, we had early access to the Diagon Alley, and we took advantage of that on our first day in the park.  We are glad that we did because the WWOHP was by far the busiest area of the park later in the day.  To enter Diagon Alley, you walk through the brick wall- just like in the book.
 Once in Diagon Alley, the dominating building is Gringotts.  There is a dragon perched on top and it breathes fire every 20 minutes or so.

 There are other shops as well including Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.  We saw all sorts of things inside of the shops and in the window displays.  We saw a Firebolt, a quidditch set (with bludgers that were trying to escape), and the Monster Book of Monsters (that was in a cage for obvious reasons).  We explored every inch of Diagon Alley...
.... except this part ;)
Hagrid must have also been around somewhere because we saw his bike.  
 Inside of Gringotts is the ride "Escape from Gringotts".  This was one of the few rides that our Express Pass would not work for.  It was actually better this way because walking through the queue was half the fun.  The interior of Gringotts is beyoned belief.  Animatronic goblins man their stations, scribbling in their ledgers.  The ride itself is, in my opinion, the best in the park.  I have never ridden anything like it before- absolutely amazing.

 Another must-do in Diagon Alley was a visit to Ollivanders.  They have a thing where you can let the wand choose you, but Olivia and Owen were having none of that.  They wanted to choose their own wand- and there were tons to choose from.  Olivia chose Dumbledore's wand and Owen chose Professor McGonagall's wand.  Although it was a little more expensive, we got the kids interactive wands.  There are brass plates on the ground in front of many shop windows in both Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade.  These brass plates contain a spell and instructions for using your wand.  If you stand on these plates and do the spell with an interactive wand, then something magical will happen.  The kids spent a lot of time locating the plates and using their wands to cast spells and see the magic happen.
 Here Owen is getting instruction from a witch on how to make water come out of the fountain.

 Olivia is practicing her wizarding skills here.
 The kids weren't the only ones who liked the interactive wands.

 We thought about visiting the Ministry of Magic, but decided against it.
We did meet the driver of the Knight Bus.  The driver was a nice fellow.  The shrunken head (hanging in the window) was also interactive and conversed with everyone who would listen.
 The kids knocked on the door of 12 Grimmauld Place.  Kreacher looked out of the window, but wouldn't answer (probably thought they were Muggles).
 After spending a fair amount of time in Diagon Alley, we boarded the Hogwarts Express to travel to Hogsmeade.  In this picture the kids are about to pass through the wall between platforms 9 and 10.  It doesn't look that impressive here, but when you are in line it looks like the people ahead of you are actually disappearing into the wall.
 Here we are- platform nine and three-quarters.
 And here's the Hogwarts Express.

Hogsmeade is in an eternal state of winter.  There are many shops and places to use the interactive wands in this part of the park as well.
 We walked through Hogsmeade and into Hogwarts, stopping along the way to take some photos.

 Located inside the castle is the ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.  This is another ride where the Express Pass would not work, and once again it is for the best.  We would have missed so much had we bypassed the line.  But because we didn't, we got to see things like... the entrance to Dumbledore's office,
 the hallways of Hogwarts- where the pictures move and talk to each other,
 Dumbledore's office and the pensieve (in photo),
and the sorting hat.  We also saw the Fat Lady's portrait (she's a talker), the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom, and we got to see it snow indoors.  The Forbidden Journey ride is also very good- in spite of the fact that we were chased by Dementors and smacked around by the Whomping Willow.
 We saw the Three Broomsticks and the Hog's Head, but we did not eat there.  We did, however, pop into HoneyDukes for a chocolate frog.
 The kids were excited to eat their chocolate frog, and were also thrilled about the trading cards that they got (Dumbledore and Rowena Ravenclaw).
And of course we couldn't leave without a Butterbeer.  We didn't particularly care for it- tasted like toffee.  All this drinking made Olivia have to visit the ladies room.  She came out complaining that Moaning Myrtle was in the restroom and wouldn't quit complaining about how lonely she was.  It's details like this that made the WWOHP a truly magical place.

Islands of Adventure

 Islands of Adventure is a park full of wonderfully themed lands that we had a great time exploring.  We rode the Caro-Seuss-el in Seuss Landing, brushed up on our magic at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, outran dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, got completely drenched in Toon Lagoon, and met Spiderman in Marvel Super Hero Island.  Some of our favorite rides in Islands of Adventure were the Spiderman ride, Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls, and the Jurassic Park River Adventure.  We certainly enjoyed our time in this park.
 Universal is serious about the 3D / 4D.  We wore these glasses on several different attractions.
 The kids loved the One Fish, Two Fish ride.  It's like Dumbo, but if you don't follow the up/down directions you get squirted with water.

 You WILL get soaked in Toon Lagoon.  We were so wet that we had to make a quick trip back to the hotel to change clothes.