Before I even begin, here's the before and after:

Mud runs have been quickly gaining popularity nationwide over the last couple of years. Three years ago I wouldn't have been able to find a mud run in our area if I tried. Now, it seems, that there is one every month. Brian and I felt that we had to find out- first hand- what all the hubbub was about. So, we took off early Saturday morning with our friend Ryan to go to Jacksonville and compete in the FL-Roc obstacle challenge. I cannot believe how much FUN this race was. The course was 3.5 miles and had 30+ obstacles. We climbed over walls, crawled through mud pits, ran through the woods, snaked through underground tunnels. At one point, I was chest deep in water. This is by no means a comprehensive list of obstacles- it goes on and on. I'm not going to lie- it was tough... but so much fun! Brian and Ryan stayed together for a good portion of the race- til Brian got bogged down in a mud pit and had to tell Ryan to "go on without him". I started off pretty strong. My plan was to get as dirty as possible on the first obstacle (which turned out to be a water pit followed by a mud crawl) so that I wouldn't waste time trying to keep clean during my run. I ended up sticking with another girl for most of the race. As we were making our way through the big mud field in the final mile, the photographer told us that we were the first two females in our heat. This gave us the push that we needed to finish strong. I ended up finishing second in my heat- which made me think that I may qualify for an overall award. As it turns out, I did. I finished with a chip time of 45:30. Of the 34 women in my age group, I finished second (and I was only 3 seconds behind the 1st place runner). I also finished 12th of the 181 women (of all ages) running the race. Not too shabby for a first attempt. Brian's chip time was 1:12:16. He would have finished sooner, but he got bogged down behind several "groups" of runners and had to wait to do the obstacles. Even though some groups flat out skipped the obstacles, Brian completed every one of them. Our friend, Ryan, also did well and finished in the top portion of his age group. I loved this race. We got lots of schwag. In addition to the t-shirts, all runners got pint glasses. Plus, I receieved a huge, heavy medal that doubles as a bottle opener. We will be doing more of these!