Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Eve at Gigi and Papa's

 As per usual, we went to Gigi and Papa's following the Christmas Eve candlelight service at the church.  Brian's dad and Barb had arrived by that time so they, along with Melanie, joined us at my parent's house.  There was a delicious meal of spaghetti and BBQ.  We had a wonderful time eating and talking.

This was the first time that James has been home for Christmas, so that made the evening extra special.  James is never lacking for attention.
 Julianna was very excited to get Moana dress up clothes.
 All of the kids received personalized mugs from Aunt Cassie and Uncle Nick.

 Olivia has already worn her UK shirt twice.
 Brian and I got monogrammed fishing shirts for all of the girls.
 Sam was excited to receive the annual bag of rice from his sisters.  This year it was brown rice- we're really mixing it up.

 All of the kids were interested in Aunt Hannah's Santa Tracker app.  It was late by the time that we finished opening gifts, so we went home shortly thereafter to get ready for Santa's visit.

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