Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Swamp Lights with Granny Mel

This year we had the pleasure of hosting Brian's whole family for Christmas at our house.  Granny Mel was the first to arrive in town, so we decided to take a trip out to the swamp park to see the lights.  It's been six or seven years since the kids and I had been to see the lights at in the swamp, and they have added a lot since we were last there.  We took a train ride through the woods which were lighted for the season.  They also had a Santa Claus and live musician on the grounds for visitors to enjoy.  Many of the exhibits were open.  Of course, we had to get the requisite picture with "Ole Roy" the stuffed gator.  We had a nice time at the park.  This was a great way to kick off the Christmas weekend.

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