Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Parade

 We had a great time at the annual Christmas parade.  Daddy parked a truck at our usual spot, and we all met up to view the parade together.  Cassie and Nick were in town, so James was even able to come.  There was a band, several floats, and other parade participants who wished us all a Merry Christmas.  One of the highlights was the delegation from the high school- featuring Buddy the Elf (Kelly).  Another highlight was Olaf from Frozen.  He walked over to our group and greeted Julianna personally.  She loved that.  As always, the parade ended with Santa.

 After the parade, the Christmas in the Park event began.  We were parked right beside the park, so we decided to walk over and check it out.  The had a live nativity, an area with fake snow that the kids cold play in, different rides for the kids, a meet-and-greet with Santa, and a couple of bands that entertained the crowd. We had plans to go out to Gigi's for chili, so we didn't stay long but we did enjoy walking through and checking everything out.

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