Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Halloween for Gamers

What can I say about Halloween except that I love it?  It is always so much fun to dress up and take the kids trick-or-treating.  For the last several years we have dressed to a particular "theme".  This year's theme was "Video Games".  I always enjoy seeing what people come up with, and this year's costumes were great.  Cassie and Quincy definitely took the cake with their "Tetris" costumes.  Thank goodness that our Uncle Mike was in town for the Walker Reunion.  He was the mastermind behind the construction of the Tetris blocks.  These two girls had several people stop them throughout the night wanting a picture.  The Sanders family all dressed as characters from Super Mario Bros.  Brian was Luigi, I was Mario, Olivia was Peach, and Owen was Toadstool.  My cousin Thomas participated as Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat.

As usual we met up at Granny Buie's for pictures and then we trick-or-treated in her neighborhood.  The Sanders, Quarnaccio, Murray, and Boyett kids were all present and ready to get some candy.  Before leaving we took this group photo.  What a festive bunch!  The kids ended up with tons of candy- my kids have still not finished off all of their Halloween goodies.

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