Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Run of the Tartans (PR)

A few weekends ago I participated in the Run of the Tartans.  This race consisted of a 10k, 5k, and 1-mile.  You got a discount for running all three, so that's what I did.  My friend Darby has been running with me and she also participated.  And here's the big news... we both PR'd.  We were SO excited!.  I have not had a PR since 2011.  Just to clarify- I PR'd the 10k with a time of 50:39.  I was really surprised by how well I did.  I guess this lit a fire because I have been running really well ever since this race.  I am definitely looking forward to more races this winter and spring.  I want to see if I can knock my 5k time down a bit.

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