Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Savannah Rock and Roll

 Quincy, Maura, and I ran the Savannah Rock and Roll Half Marathon in early November.  Race numbers could only be picked up the day before, so this had to be an overnight trip.  [Made possible by my  awesome mother-in-law who came and took care of the kids (much to their delight).]  We had such a good time in Savannah.  I met up with Q and Maura at the expo where we picked up our numbers and walked around a bit.  I always like looking around at the runner's expo because it's about the only place where you can find lots of really good running gear in one place.  After a delicious dinner at Macaroni Grill, we checked into our hotel room.  This may be dorky, but one of my favorite parts of racing is getting everything ready the night before.  It's kind of like Christmas.  I love this picture of all our gear.  We woke up really early the next morning (think 4:15) because we had to have our car parked at the start line by 5:30.  We made it to the start line in plenty of time to warm up, visit the restroom, etc.  Once the race actually began, everyone was pumped.  The course was great, and we all had good runs.  I finished in 1:58:04 - which is good for me.  I'm thrilled with anything under two hours.  This race is a keeper, and I'm glad that I had my running buddies with me this year.

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