Saturday, October 4, 2014

Kids Triathlon

 The YMCA hosted a Kids Triathlon this year.  They did this once before a few years ago and Olivia participated (and loved it).  When we found out that they would be sponsoring another this year, we signed up immediately.  This tri has a really short course, and is a good way to introduce kids to the swim-bike-run format.
 The kids were divided by age, so Olivia and Ava were in the same heat.  They had to swim 25 meters, bike a half mile, and run a quarter mile.  The whole thing took very little time.  I was able to watch everything and still be back in the pool area when Owen and Claire's heat began.

Owen and Claire were in the youngest age division, so they were in the last group.  Owen had to complete the swimming portion with the help of his floaties- so he was one of the last ones out of the pool.
 Owen did well on his bike ride around the track...
 ...and he finished strong with the run.
All of the kids received a medal for completing the tri, and they all had a great time.

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