Saturday, October 18, 2014

See Rock City

We woke up super early on Monday morning and drove six hours to Chattanooga, Tn.  Brian and I first visited Chattanooga back in 2007 when Olivia was just a few months old.  We really enjoyed our visit to that city and have been wanting to go back ever since.  We arrived in Chattanooga shortly after lunch and headed straight to Rock City.  Rock City is a park on Lookout Mountain that has a path through large, naturally occurring boulders.  The path winds through the rocks and leads up to "Lover's Leap", which offers views of seven states.  It was pretty foggy on the day that we went, so we probably only saw about two states.  It was still a good view.  Our kids LOVE hiking, and this was the first of many hikes that we did during the week.  Both kids said that going to Rock City was their favorite thing that we did on our whole vacation, so I guess that means it was a hit.

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