Monday, October 20, 2014

The Parthenon

We slept in on day 3 and then drove about two hours north to Nashville, Tn.  Our first stop was the Parthenon.  Yes, the city of Nashville has a full-sized replica of the ancient Greek Parthenon- complete with gold statue of Athena.  I thought it was cool because the actual Parthenon is in ruins and is in Greece (thus making it very doubtful that I will ever actually see it).  This is a nice (and close) substitute.  I tried to explain the significance of this building to the kids, but all they remember is that this is where Percy Jackson fought the Hydra.  The kids have also taken an interest in parkour, and there were lots of "obstacles" in the area around the Parthenon for them to practice their skills.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're lucky. Mallory had no interest in this so we've never visited.